head tail sed cut
head #to see the first lines of a file, by default it shows the first 10 lines
head /usr/bin/file.txt
Should you need to visualize more lines, you can use -dash plus
the number of lines, EG to view the first 20 lines:
head -20 /usr/bin/file.txt
tail #visualize the last lines of a file, by default it shows the first 10 lines
tail /usr/bin/file.txt
tail -20 /usr/bin/file.txt
sudo tail -f /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt #The -f flag continually updates the output
Another convenient switch is -nX , which outputs the last “X” number of lines,
instead of the default value of 10 ,check for the first 25 entries in the case below
sudo tail -n25 /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt
nl #number of lines, to display a file by line number, useful for large files
nl /usr/bin/file.txt
wc #word count
wc file.xt
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