Modbus 502
Quick script to enumerate all things Modbus
import os
print(" ***** by R3dcl1ff ***** ")
#Prompt user to enter target IP
target_ip = input("Enter the IP address of the target: ")
#Run modbus specific nmap scripts
os.system(f"nmap --script=modbus-* {target_ip} -p 502")
#Invoke metasploit and run modbus specific enumeration modules against the target
os.system(f"msfconsole -q -x 'use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbus_banner_grabbing; set RHOSTS {target_ip}; set RPORT 502 ; run; use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusdetect ; set RHOSTS {target_ip}; set RPORT 502 ; set UNIT_ID 1; run; use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbus_findunitid ;set RHOSTS {target_ip}; set RPORT 502 ; set BENICE 2 ; set UNIT_ID_FROM 1 ; set UNIT_ID_TO 25 ; run; exit;' > output.txt")
print(" ***** Metasploit Enumeration Output ***** ")
#Print the contents of output.txt to stdout
with open("output.txt", "r") as f:
print("Enumeration complete! Check output.txt for results.")
Last updated