#run on background and check output after you are done with manual enum
sniper -t example.com -m stealth -o -re
#Run nuclei against webapp, run vanilla then try custom modules
sudo nuclei -u https://example.com
sudo nuclei -u https://example.com -t vulnerabilities/wordpress
#Good all round scan against webapp, takes a while to complete
so start and let run on background
#TCPDump save packet capture
tcpdump -i <interface> -s0 -w pcapfile.pcap
#Ctrl-C to stop after about 5 minutes. Replay capture and look for interesting protocols:
tcpdump -r pcapfile.pcap not <host IP address> and not arp
#DNS enum
sudo nmap --script dns-nsid
dig ANY @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN> #Any information
> SERVER <IP_DNS> #Select dns server
> #Reverse lookup of, maybe...
> <IP_MACHINE> #Reverse lookup of a machine, maybe...
auxiliary/gather/enum_dns #Perform enumeration actions
#DNSRecon Subdomains reverse brute Force
dnsrecon -r -n <IP_DNS> #DNS reverse of all of the addresses
dnsrecon -r -n <IP_DNS> #DNS reverse of all of the addresses
dnsrecon -r <IP_DNS>/24 -n <IP_DNS> #DNS reverse of all of the addresses
#subdomains bruteforce
dnsrecon -D subdomains-1000.txt -d <DOMAIN> -n <IP_DNS>
dnscan -d <domain> -r -w subdomains-1000.txt #Bruteforce subdomains in recursive way, https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan
#Active Directory Servers DNS enum
dig -t _gc._tcp.target.domain.com
dig -t _ldap._tcp.target.domain.com
dig -t _kerberos._tcp.target.domain.com
dig -t _kpasswd._tcp.target.domain.com
nmap --script dns-srv-enum --script-args "dns-srv-enum.domain='domain.com'"
fierce -d target.com
amass -ip -active -d target.com
#Responder LLMNR / NBTNS
./Responder.py -I <interface> -A
sudo responder -I eth0 -wd
#Enumerate AD naming context
ldapsearch -x -s base namingcontexts -H ldap://<host>
#Locate AD domain controllers
First you'll need the domain name. You should be able to find that
in the tcpdump output. Next, run:
nslookup -type=srv _ldap._tcp.<domain.name> | grep ldap | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | sed 's/\.$//g' > domaincontrollers.out
#Null session enum
ldapsearch -h <DC IP> -x -b "DC=example,DC=local"
If you get usernames, run Impacket GetNPUsers.py on them and crack any hashes
that you get. This script will attempt to list and get TGTs for those users that
have the property 'Do not require Kerberos preauthentication' set
For those users with such configuration, a John The Ripper output will
be generated so you can send it for cracking.
GetNPUsers.py [Domain Name]/ -dc-ip [DC IP address] -request